vandspild i industrien
Kunden bad os om at sætte måling på et stort affedtningsanlæg. Målingen viste stort forbrug af demineraliseret vand i to weekender, selvom der ikke var produktion.
Det gav anledning til et tjek, og en indløbsventil viste sig at være i stykker. En billig reservedel blev skiftet, og med det samme faldt maskinens forbrug af både vand og el.
• Forbruget af demineraliseret vand faldt ca. 80% fra 1.300 liter til 300 liter pr. dag – også i weekenden
• Det estimeres, at forbruget af rent drikkevand faldt ca. 2.500 liter om dagen
• Elforbruget på maskinen faldt 25%
• Kundens egen kostpris på vand og el giver en årlig besparelse på ca. 55.000 DKK på én maskine
• Der er nu skabt fokus på maskiner med stort forbrug af vand og el
Do you like what
you see?
Let’s meet and see how the market’s strongest Energy Management System can benefit your business and green transition.
Feel free to call us: +45 88 13 61 61
– or just send us an Email
Is it time-consuming to get started with DS Energy?
No, getting started is quick and efficient. If you place your order today, there is a fair chance that you will start receiving data on your screen by the end of the week.
With DS Energy, installing a new measuring point is seamlessly integrated into your daily operations.
Is DS Energy suitable for production, facility management, and housing?
Yes, DS Energy is a versatile solution that caters to various sectors. In the manufacturing industry, we excel at measuring with exceptional accuracy and reliability. For facility management and housing,
DS Energy seamlessly synchronizes with your existing systems and meters. You can even install new measurement points for parameters like humidity and temperature, consolidating all your data on one comprehensive platform.
Can DS Energy be used internationally?
Absolutely! DS Energy is trusted by large international companies requiring consumption monitoring across their factories, both domestically and abroad. Our solution enables effective monitoring and management regardless of geographical location.
What type of meters does DS Energy use?
We do not limit ourselves to a single brand or type of meter.
At DS Energy, we prioritize quality, accuracy, and reliability. Based on the specific requirements and environmental conditions, we carefully select the most suitable meters for your unique needs.
What is the LoRa network?
At DS Energy, we primarily utilize the LoRa protocol, a wireless network, for all our installations. LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a wireless communication protocol defined by the LoRa Alliance®.
Leveraging LoRa technology allows us to expedite the installation process without relying on existing networks.
Moreover, it provides an isolated, secure, and encrypted network, ensuring the availability and confidentiality of your data online.
How can I get started with DS Energy?
No answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to send us an Email
DS Energy ApS
Asavej 8
DK-8550 Bjerringbro
Call us: +45 88 13 61 61
Please feel free to send us an Email